Monday, October 19, 2009

Police: UConn football player stabbed to death

The cornerback of the UConn football team had the game of his life after beating Louisville. He gave his mom a call and was given the game ball. A few hours later another member from the football team called Jasper Howard's mother - it was the coach. He informed her that her son had just been stabbed. "He was a good child, a wonderful, sweet, loving child," Joangela Howard told CNN affiliate WSVN. "I just hope whoever did it turns himself in. [Jasper] didn't deserve this." Jasper started every game for UConn last year, was stabbed at a student dance on Saturday night. The junior, born and raised in Miami, was a soon-to-be father. A fire alarm was pulled late Saturday night, and the 300 students at the dance rushed onto the streets. A fight between two groups broke out and Howard and an unidentified person were stabbed. The two were sent to a hospital, and then airlifted to another hospital in Hartford, where Howard was pronounced dead from injuries. The other victim was treated and released. Authorities are investigating whether alcohol was involved. There were students and non-students involved in the incident. The Huskies are 4-2 this year, and Howard led the league in punt returns.

It is extremely sad to see something happen to anyone, let alone a future NFL athlete. These stabbings happen so often now that I think that something should be done. College and Universities should not promote activities within the school that involve non-students. This would allow the school to trust the students and not have to risk the chance that the non-students are going to harm anyone or anything. Security should be present at these events as well because it is probably not too hard for the students to obtain substances and objects that shouldn't be active at these events.


Craig Hasler said...

Andrew, I agree with you, it is very sad to see that another future NFL player has been stabbed. It sounds to me like Howard was an awesome football player with lots of potential. I find it very puzzling how the murderer wasn’t caught, or at least didn’t turn himself in to the police. That takes lots of guts, and I am sure that the murderer will have to live with the guilt of killing somebody for the rest of his life. I also agree that colleges and universities should not be allowed to promote school activities that involve non-students. The school is responsible for the students, so allowing non-students to participate in these events is outrageous. The non-students could potentially cause lots of trouble which could lead to something similar to the stabbing of the football player. I hope that the colleges and universities change their events to only school members.

Kelsey Boland said...

• I agree with both of you, but you guys are speaking like this happens all the time. This doesn't happen all the time. What you guys are thinking of is gang related, and happens maybe once every couple years. This sound like a group of football players from Ucon met a group of football players from one of their rival scholls, and wanted to fight it out. I too, am puzzled at the fact that people from other schools were just hanging out at this school. Security should start to be there, but also, common sense has to come into effect. That group from a foreign school wasn't just looking to have a fun time, they probably had a throw down with the other school planed.