Friday, November 20, 2009

False alarms prompt space station scare

Astronauts at the international space station and space shuttle Atlantis woke up to a worrying sound - alarms indicating a fire and dangerous loss of pressure, NASA said Friday. But a check revealed tht there was no serious trouble. Depressurization-caution alarms went off around 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, waking up the shuttle and station crew. The flight control teams on the ground said there was no depressurization, so they shut off ventilation fans. The crew was never in any danger, NASA said, and teams on the ground are looking into the cause of the false alarm. Flight control teams at Mission Control in Houston, Texas, were bringing the station back to normal soon after the alarms, but it was 10:15 p.m. by the time the crew was able to go back to sleep because they had to wait for the station's ventilation system to be reactivated. The crew members went back to work on Friday when they focussed on preparations for Saturday's spacewalk. They'll have to recharge batteries, switch out spacesuits and review procedures. They also will use the shuttle's robotic arm to grab a second cargo pallet of spare equipment that Atlantis brought up in advance of its transfer to the space station Saturday.

I think it is interesting that thi soccured. Something must have happened for this to occur and I think that the astronauts should be worried about this. I think that there was a decreased amount of pressure in the air and that the alarm went off because of this. NASA is doing a good job by investigating this because if I was there, I know I would want an investigation. I would  not be surprised to see something happen in a few days that has to do with this incident.

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