Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Google Wave to be released to 100,000 testers Wednesday

Google's new product, Google Wave, is set to be tested by 100,000 beta users on Wednesday. It is said to "revolutionize" online communiation. The app from Google Inc. brings all of the elements togther including, e-mail, chat, Wiki documents and photo sharing web sites. These all brought together are known as the "wave." Google first intorduced Wave at a developer conference in May. Testers will begin geting rid of all of the bugs, before its hopeful launch at the end of this year. Wave was created by Lars and Jens Rasmussen, the Australian brothers who also creatd Google Maps. They say that this app will eventually take over e-mail and the way people communicate over the internet. "This should be something everybody uses and something everybody knows," Jens Rasmussen said. In Wave, e-mail-like communications can be edited by several users at the same time. Users can also chat about certain sections of Wave documents in current time, where all users see what a person is typing as it is typed. If a person comes to the conversation late, they can replay everything they've missed. Originally Wave was pointed out for having too many bugs. "As an initial user of Wave, I have to tell you: things have gotten much more stable. It still has a slow response time in certain situations and it can still crash, but these things happen far less often than they used to," Ben Parr of the social-media blog Mashable writes.

I am very optimistic that Google Wave will take over Facebook as the world's most used online source. Just hearing about the product makes me think just how many people will be using it. 321 million people have Facebook, and I wouldn't be surprised if that number is doubled by the time Google Wave is in its prime. I know that once Google Wave comes out, I am for sure going to try it. Society always wants new, and once they see this product, they will never go back. Google Wave will be the biggest thing that the internet has ever seen!

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